Bridal trends for 2018 are not only found in glossy magazine moments. Sterling discovers the trends within the moments of the weddings. He photographs for brides as real and down to earth as the girl-next-door, and as glamorous as today’s run-way models. What delights us at Sterling Photography is the way our Florida brides and couples are taking note of national wedding and bridal trends, but individualizing them. They are creating a customized beauty that is theirs alone.
Bridal Images of 2018 Capture Humor and Energy of the Moment

Our Bridal Couple Takes Time For A Private Moment.
We progress from the Engagement into beautiful moments with a wedding couple. In keeping with this month’s theme of Bridal trends for 2018 Bridal moments, Sterling Bride Shelby chose a remarkable crown of flowers. Trending fast for fall. Fresh flower crowns are quite a departure from the classic crystal studded tiara, tailored headband or fluffy bits of net and tulle.
Check out Junebug Weddings feature about this bridal accessory at their online resource for brides.
Apart from the garland shaped one like Shelby’s, we have noticed are some that are weighted with more flowers in the back at the nape of the neck. This is the point where they fasten to hold a veil.
And other designs feature the flowers in a cascade. They are worn to the side of the head and worn nestling in the hollow of the neck. However a bride wears it, the flower crown is a very fetching fashion choice. They are flattering and feminine to brides of every age and style. And how many times in life do you get to spend a day framed in flowers?
Getting Your Best Bridal Style in Your Photos
1. This is a simple matter of choosing the best photographer, like Sterling! Seriously, choosing a professional whose style, images and personality you like is essential to obtaining images you will love all your life.
2. Bridal Make-Up Notes: Be careful with your look because you don’t want your make-up style to be heavily dated. Giant smoky eyes will always be 20th century, and this is the 21st.
If you go with an exotic look, be sure you still look like yourself. Hence, the zombie wedding makes a fun party, but lifetime wedding memories? Not so much.
Yes, natural light can be harsh. So a little more make-up helps you look your best. A whole lot more-well, not so much!
That sculpted cheek can look like the 5 o’clock shadow of a beard if improperly blended.
Blending and Powdering at times throughout the day are important to looking good for hours and keeping that bridal look freshened.
And, as we have said before, metallic creams and glitter can behave strangely in front of the camera. They can reflect too much or make shadows like little granules of dirty dust. (More make up advice is coming in another blog, soon.)

A Special Valentine Secret.
No Fear
3. Bridal Attitude: No Fear!
There is a reason everyone says “smile” before they take a photo. Facial Expression is very important in Sterling’s photos. Be careful. A frozen smile is never a good look. Sterling says for you to put yourself in the moment, and enjoy your significant other.
At the party, focus on the fun of enjoying friends and participating in the high points of the day. Let go of the “planner person.” And be the star of the moments you have planned. Don’t over-think it. Just allow yourself to smile.
4. A Call to Arms in the 2018 Bridal Style
Cuffed, draped, ruffled or lacey, short or long, sleeves have returned to the wedding look for 2018. This puts the spotlight on what you do with your arms and hands. At the reception, a hand on the hip or waist is fine.
On this special day, you’ll have great props, like the bouquet, the ring, a champagne flute, and the groom’s arm. Make good use of these special items.
Avoid pulling your arms into your body and letting them hang or claw into your skirt, or clasp over your waistline. Enjoy your sleeves, your stance and your day.
A Bridal Valentine: The Sterling Confidence Pose
From Sterling’s countless bridal sessions and modeling portfolios galore comes a Bridal Stance.
It’s Valentine gift to all of you brides-to-be. Practice this stance and make it feel natural. Not only will you look good, but you won’t faint from frozen knees, and your back won’t ache.
Use a mirror, and practice this simple stance.
a. Bump out your Right hip. (Thus, you shift your weight.)
b. Bend your left knee toward the inside of your right knee. You’ll see your body in curves instead of angles. But speaking of angles, the worst one is straight at the camera.— A slight angle to your shoulders is so much more flattering—and slimming.
We all want to look our best.

That First Dance Is A Moment To Remember.
Junebug puts it this way, “To look taller and slimmer, angle your body so it’s not straight on to the camera and keep one shoulder to slightly forward.”
The key hint above is that word “slightly.” You will look more natural, even in semi-posed shots.
The 2018 Must-Have Shots from Your Wedding Day—Other than ceremony
Brides can look more relaxed when they know Sterling is focused on them in a gentle and convivial way. Below is a list of wonderful memories he might be cataloging during your special day:
Images of the bride and groom’s fashion
Pre-Ceremony Session: If you give him the time, Sterling will give you formal and casual images from your “First looks” moment. (Ask him about First Looks, if you do not already know.
In the Dressing Room: You’ll love tasteful and sentimental photos of your getting ready moments with your best friends…
Details Of All The Special Trimmings
Sterling leaves no detail un-photographed: Ceremony décor, flowers, Stylish photographs of Bridesmaids and groomsmen.
Romantic Couple portraits: Here’s where Sterling shines. He captures or prompts the action and reaction photos that clarify your married status better than stating it on Facebook. And Romance is not just for the wedding couple, but for all the couples within the families, guests and wedding party.
Reception décor: Don’t worry. Whatever you have bought, built, borrowed or rented will be transformed into detail memories through close-up commercial-style images by Sterling. From the table decor to your fun-filled exit for your honeymoon, Sterling Photography captures all the action.
Again, Sterling Photography brings you a Happy Valentine Wish, even if You are not a Bride-to-be.
Part of the Sterling Bridal Style is Romance, so Valentine’s is a special holiday for us.

Weddings: Moments of Joy, Beauty and Romance…
When you are in love, Sterling believes, every day is a valentine. It is a 24 hour, 7 days a week commitment that can echo with the memories of a once-in-a-lifetime-wedding day. Those little memories can be re-ignited, thanks to the work of a photographer who is an artist.
We call them Sterling Moments because of the precious quality of sterling silver, as well as the name of this celebrated Orlando photographer. Like any Valentine, each Sterling’s images are created in the heart before they are processed by art, and technology, to become memories.
Thanks to all who read our blog. And a happy Valentine’s Day to all who have love in their hearts.
And, by the way, if you happen to love the romantic symbolism of hearts, check out this wonderful online resource, Style Me Pretty, for the many ways some couples made them part of their wedding day style.