Timeless Wedding Trends, as well as trending news, is our topic once again. Although it has its own title, this blog is really Part II of our Spring Wedding Trends from our previous Blog.
Spring Greetings are overflowing from the busy studio of Sterling International Photography. Easter and Passover celebrations abound. Also, we have sent our best wishes coast to coast.
Is there a new shade of green showing up everywhere in bridal bouquets? (We are sure scientists and artists would have told us if that were really true.) It seems we have never had brighter greenery than the gardens and lush landscapes in Orlando, New York City, and Jamaica.
Timeless Wedding Trends: Classic and Casual New Customs

As Long as Sterling is a Photographer, Romantic Images Will Be A Timeless Trend
However, more than flowers are blooming at weddings everywhere this season. We have also witnessed some remarkable new trends blooming. Plus, we are honored to have seen some amazing new twists on old trends this season.
Casual or classic, the trends will become timeless wedding concepts only as they are tested by unique couples. You see, traditions might be timeless, but they are given life only by couples who bring them a special individualized flair.
Photo Booth Fun
The photo booth began as a tribute to the vintage automatic photo-booths that gave you a strip of selfies after you stepped behind the curtain. Then we saw it progress to a designated area with no machine. But, it did have a hastily rigged backdrop and a few quaint or silly props.
In 2019 we have seen the trend progress a full-blown photo-setting, and a table full of curated props matching the theme of the wedding.
Some couples are now rigging the photo booths with high-tech touch screens and Wi-Fi. Then guests can have the immediate satisfaction of uploading right to their favorite social media. At Sterling, we are not sure if this will really become a timeless trend, but it is certainly popular.
The Family Photo-Museum

A Casual Moment Blessed With Smiles. A Walk Through Timeless Light
Showing Family Photographs in some form is fast becoming a familiar, and perhaps, timeless trend. We have seen photographs of both the bride’s and the groom’s family as part of the décor at the wedding reception.
We have seen the portraits displayed in a number of stylish ways: For example, they might be on a section of the venue wall.
- The couple could hang them on a false wall or heavy decorative screen.
- Likewise, we have seen them arranged on a table in assorted sizes and shapes.
- We like this custom because a wedding is the joining of two families.
There is something tender about seeing the sweet faces of ancestors bearing silent witness to the festivities. It’s a very adaptable trend, very fitting for any type of venue or any wedding theme. We hope this tribute becomes a timeless trend.
Timeless Trend: Gathered Together Across Time and Place
We encourage you to show off family photos at your reception, especially old wedding images. As one photographer recently put it, “To me, weddings are about bringing together different generations. That’s why I love having photos of grandparents, parents, and others to tie it all together.”
The Power and Magic of Light

Sweet Emotions Are Always Timeless Trends. One of Our Favorites
Modern couples understand the magic available to photographers. They are very aware of all the trickery and filters on photo-shop software. Thus, a somewhat surprising trend is happening in 2019.
We are seeing more and more couples who recognize and respect the use of natural light. A masterful photographer with experience and education knows how to handle the lighting in a given situation. Therefore, he does not have to “fix it” or add to it in Photoshop. We have seen years, perhaps decades where couples did not understand or appreciate a photographer who could find the light. Average viewers are noticing the Now. The pendulum has swung the other way. People are noticing the beauty of natural light.
Quality of Light: A Timeless Wedding Trend and a Blessing
To utilize this truly timeless trend, your skillful photographer requires some help that can only be supplied from the heavens. Thus, warm, soft, romantic light cannot happen at high noon. For truly romantic photography, be aware of the golden hours of early morning and early evening. Yes. Sunrise or sunset strolls are inherently romantic times. And a skilled professional photographer with an artist’s eye can capture that warm, glowing ambiance.
A Few Spring Wedding Image Trends That Go Beyond Trendy
Have you noticed that beautiful wedding albums feature light in the sky and light on faces in the foreground? You will notice time after time that only a skilled photographer can shoot romantically backlit images.
Have you seen that the sky is blue-not grayish white or bluish in vistas created by a talented photographer? Do you want images that capture the flow of water, veiling, and dance movement in a moment frozen in time?
Such work comes from the age-old traditions of classical art. But we will allow our clients to believe it is a brand new trend for 2019 spring weddings.
A Timeless Wedding Trend: Full Fresh, Diffused Daylight
There is a clean but soft look that people think is magic. But it is just really good lighting. For a “feeling of that “light and airy look” brides have suddenly re-discovered, try this experiment from wedding photographer Jordan Brittley.

“Blue Sky Day”
- You will want to have a good, even, light source either between you and your subject or behind you (assuming you’re not blocking the source… so, like, you will need the sun).
- Look for a light source that has been diffused, or scattered. Think about light like a flashlight and a white or neutral wall.
- The flashlight is your light source and the white/neutral wall is your light reflector. Okay, so if you stand 3 feet from a white wall and turn on your flashlight, there will be a bright spot on the wall. For airy photography, you’re not looking for this kind of light.
- If you stand 10 feet from a white wall and turn on your flashlight, the light will cover more of the wall. You are looking for this kind of light.
How to find that light and capture it with professional equipment, that’s photographic art and science. And, by the way, that magical backlit glow in many of Sterling’s romantic images cannot be faked in Photoshop. This is Timeless Wedding Photography.
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