Ultimately, after 25 years in the business and art of wedding photography, J. R. Sterling has revealed 4 secrets behind photographing the wedding couple. Now he reveals these secrets in four words. They might remind you of “Lights, camera, action!” But they are deeply more meaningful to a wedding couple: The 4 secrets or 4 words are: “Light, Mood, Pose and Expression!”
First of all, we must tell you that wedding photographers, especially those with training, absolutely live for the moments when they have the undivided attention of the couple, dressed and ready to make a special series of photographs.

Traditional Mood: Photographing a classic couple in gorgeous light and setting.
Sometimes at the reception, but more typically, before or after the ceremony, most photographers will have 5-15 minutes with a couple, to create this lifetime shot. They know they are creating an image which will be passed from generation to generation.
At Sterling Photography, these shots are mentally called, the Magic Moment Series. Like the first kiss or cutting the cake, these shots are stand-outs in a wedding collection.
Photographing Your Magic Moment Series: Dear Couple! An Open Note!
If we could slow time down and read the future for our wedding couples, we would say: A shot from this series of images will be over your mantle at home. One will adorn your office at work. Today’s grandparents and tomorrows grandchildren will put one into their book of family memories.
Knowing these facts, your conscientious photographer has memorized a variety of posing techniques so completely that they flow automatically.
A professional wedding photographer knows positions and poses, both classically traditional and rock star modern. Sterling knows how to design and a pose a couple to flatter every body type, but there is more to it than that. Experts have taught us, “with odd posing, you can make a very affectionate and natural couple seem awkward and distant. With the right pose, you can make even the most stiff and stoic couples seem undeniably fun and in love.”
Read on to get behind the mind and lens of a wedding photography artist and a couple.
Photographing The Couple’s Mood: Picturing the Passion
In a few seconds, a professional photographer can analyze Sterling’s four requirements for a good bridal portrait: light, mood, pose and expression of the couple.

Rock-Star Mood: Photographing the Passion: for some couples, this is an easy part of their style.
An inexperienced photographer only uses the same poses over and over, with no thought about mood. But a veteran professional will find the best available light or adjust camera and lens to make the light. Then he will get a sense of the couple’s mood, and with coaching or prompting, cast the image into that memorable mood.
Photographing a Couple’s Relationship and Style
Some Sterling Questions for Mood and Pose include:
Are they feeling playful and flirtatious?
Are they subdued and gentle, awed by each other and the day?
Do they display they display reverence and joy?
Are they comfortable showing romance and passion?
Once he has a sense of the style with which a couple is comfortable, he can coach and prompt a pose for an image they will cherish forever.
Photographing the “Magic Moments Series” Means No Frozen Faces or Stiff Bodies, Please!
The mood and pose of a bridal couple sometimes take a backseat to the couple’s expression. Technical details such as the angles of the head and shoulders.
(Let it be said that even what does not show in a photograph can be vitally important. For example, we know the simple placement of feet will contribute to the powerful stance of the man and the sensuous curves of the woman. Books such as Roberto Valenzuela’s Picture Perfect Posing: Practicing the Art of Posing for Photographers and Models help the pro wedding photographers work effortlessly and automatically within his subject’s comfort zone.)
There is no doubt that the true beauty of some couples is that mystical radiance that shines through their faces as they reflect the warmth and gentle joy of the moment. For want of a better term, we call this “facial expression.” And it should be more than a frozen, toothy grin at the camera.

Romantic Mood: Photographing a private moment between the traditional poses!
Sometimes expression can be prompted quite casually.
The photographer says, “Just look at each other for a second while I adjust this camera.”
The couple relaxes their set pose, just a little.
But Sterling is NOT adjusting the camera. With a basic “embrace me” pose set, he is watching for special facial expressions!
They whisper secrets. Their eyes shine with endearment. “Click.”
We see and in a small way, we share in their delight in each other. “Click.”
“Click!” The perfect moment! Click! The perfect Expression!