Love comes your way with the holiday spirit. There can be no better time than the holidays to express our gratitude, for your love and friendship.

Love Reveals Itself at the Holidays
Thank you for the support and trust we enjoy every day at Sterling Photography International. In that spirit, we send you our love in honor of all the winter holidays.
Let us take a moment to send and savor greetings and good wishes from the photographic artist, Sterling, and all his happy crew! We genuinely send our respect and compliments from our family to yours.
So, Happy Hanukkah, Blessed Kwanzaa, Happy New Year—and Merry Christmas!
Holiday Love: Transforming Everyone into Photographers

Secrets In the Artist’s Eye: Shapes and lines wrap Jaclyn and Dylan in the intimate embrace of nature.
Whatever holiday you are celebrating, we are wrapping this greeting in the joy and blessings of a wonderful season. And Norman
Vincent Peal was not just talking about snow when he wrote, “Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful…” He was talking about emotions.
There is a glow of incandescent joy over all our events and emotions at this time of year. For many, the holidays represent the only times they take the dusty “real-as-opposed-to-phone” camera out of the closet. (No judgment! Those phone cameras are recording more perfectly every year.)
We all want to hold the moment, capture the magic, and preserve the feeling of the fleeting holiday moment. Not only for a lifetime, but for all time.
So, it is no wonder we love this time of year. Photographers and families are aware that human feelings can come out from under the hard shell of our everyday skin at the holidays and special events. That’s when we all can record them forever.
Capturing Love in the Engagement Session: Beyond A Recording of the Event
With art, science and technique, we can suspend those feelings in time. The magic a photographer creates with art and light goes far beyond creating a record.
Sterling’s rare magic of art and technology subtly enhances, transfigures and illuminates the emotions of the moment. And for modern couples, part of the joy in making the photographs is that Sterling has the experience and education to make it seem easy and fun. The session is not consumed with a painful paralysis of poses. Yet with technical adjustments and careful prompting, Sterling makes couples look their best. Notice he captures the light on Dylan’s face, her shoulder and their hands. Notice how the background leads the viewers eye into the future over the curving path. See how the trees seem to shelter their loving moment, like a secret rendezvous.
Focused on Love that Endures

In the Artist’s Eye: Sterling can capture the Love in a Relationship in the Give and Take of the moment. We call this kind of photography “Relation-ography!”
Once loving moments are captured, they can always be re-lived–not only by us, but by our children, and our children’s children. And this is part of why young couples request and enjoy the professional photographer’s visions of the engagement session.
In the old days, this session was simply an excuse a document a couple’s for the society page of the newspaper. Today young couples want the images to commemorate the loving emotions and expressions of a new commitment. We, as professional photographers, find their style, both as individuals and as a couple with a new promise.
Sterling makes a type of photography we like to call Relation-ography–photographs that reveal the love in relationships.
Sterling Photography International: Holidays or Ordinary Days-We Bring Art To Help You Feel–and Share–the Love.
Illustrating this Holiday blog is just such a modern young engaged couple. As one of the last engagement sessions of 2017, and one of the newly committed couples of the new year, allow us to present: “Jaclyn and Dylan” in their engagement portraits. In the close-up at left, notice how Sterling artistically enhanced the couple’s style with light and pose.
Jaclyn’s expression of confident joy reveals Dylan’s gifts of security and contentment. We will soon be showing you more of the photographs from their engagement session–and soon to come, their wedding. Please visit the blog again soon to see more of Jaclyn and Dylan and learn more about the artistic vision behind the artist’s eye. Next week they will help you discover three secrets behind the creation of happy portraits for couples.
Feel the Love
Below, the expression of in both Dylan and Jaclyn’s eyes invites you to share their moment. Here’s a helpful photography hint you can even use with a phone camera: For most couples, posing cheek to cheek and jaw to jaw is a terrible idea. Exactly touching cheeks and jaws will creates a distracting horizontal line-up of four eyes. However, if Jaclyn tilts her forehead softly his temple, the eyes remain attractive. Also, the angles of the shoulders influence the balance and shared spotlight of this beautiful couple. For professional photographers, the language of artistic angles tells all sorts of secrets. We see him sheltering her. We see her leaning into him. There is no tension in those gentle fingers, nor in his strong jaw.
On the one hand, a professional photographer might notice these details and a thousand others within a given moment, and snap it as the action happens. On the other hand, he might direct the details to happen within a formal moment. Either way, the emotions reveal the style of the couple and their contentment in each other’s arms.
Once again, we wish you Happy Holiday Love from Sterling Photography International
In the words of Thomas Monson, we define Christmas love, as it is symbolized by this beautiful couple, “Is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is happiness because we see joy in people. It is forgetting self and finding time for others. And, It is discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values.”