Even as we gear up for the 4th of July, Jamaica Honeymoons are on our minds at Sterling Photography!

Jamaica Dream: Ochos Rios Honeymoon estate.

Jamaica Dream Venue: Honeymoon High Life in your Ocho Rios Estate!

Just as we help you plan for your dream wedding day, we can help you plan a very special honeymoon.

It will be packed with the perfect blend of luxury and adventure. (More details about the adventurous side of Jamaica will soon be revealed!)

Taste Jamaica:  Land of Romance and Adventure

The man behind Sterling Photography, the photographic artist named “Sterling,” hails from the exotic honeymoon destination, Jamaica.  He is based in Florida now. But he brings with him the rich history and romantic heritage of Jamaica.

Jamaica is home to him. You have heard of Jamaica as a popular party-time and honeymoon destination. But this is the historical land of the Buccaneers and Pirate Treasure.  It’s the intriguing world of “Bond…James Bond.” Legends prove that this lush country has been a sanctuary for lovers for hundreds of years.

Because of Sterling’s business associates, friends and family there, he can offer you a Jamaican Honeymoon unattainable by most couples.  In order to capture a glimpse of Jamaica’s pristine beauty, today’s blog showcases one of Sterling’s Jamaica Honeymoon venues, above. Soon we will release special details of your paradise adventures. In our next blog, the Part II of Honeymoon Surprise, you will see more photographs of our three private honeymoon venues.

Jamaica:  Sterling Photography’s Big Award for Brides!

Jamaica Bound: Jeanette and Rafael begin their adventure.

Jeanette and Raphael Begin their Wedded Adventure!

When you book a top wedding package with Sterling, you will be given complimentary, exclusive accommodations.  This will include 3 nights and 4 days at one of three gorgeous honeymoon sites.  These honeymoon venues are private. They are generally unavailable to the average tourist or spring-break crowd.

He includes complimentary accommodations in one of three gorgeous sites with your wedding photography package. He also arranges the services of a home town tour guide , with no additional fees. The guide will show you the secret side of Jamaica, the adventurous side!

No buses and taxis for you! You will enjoy the sights and the security of personalized attention, as well as sweet privacy when you want to be alone.

Sterling is doing this in 2016-17 to celebrate his 25th year as a wedding photographer. Sterling wants to introduce you to the adventurous side and the secret heart of Jamaica’s culture, cuisine and romance.

We will be revealing more details of this trip-of-a-lifetime soon.

We are all reminded of the battered driftwood sign we once saw, “Sand may brush off.  Salt may wash clean. Tans may fade.  But the memories will last forever.”  This anonymous saying is true of your Jamaican Honeymoon Adventure, with your private tour guide.

It is also true of the outstanding wedding memories captured forever by Sterling Photography. Remember, this special award is available only on certain Sterling packages, and absolutely complimentary for a limited time.

We invite you to discover more details about this amazing prize, by visiting our other online wedding resource, and personally contacting Sterling Photography.

Red, White and Blue:  Hot Summer Colors, Patriotic Theme!

Sterling Photography, sends out special congratulations to the brides of the red, white and blue!  July weddings are hot this year in more ways than one!

Jeanette's Jamaica bouquet featuring red, white and blue color theme.

Jamaica flowers will delight your eyes with their brilliance and heady aroma.

You have only a few days until time to celebrate the famous American holiday, July 4—Independence Day. It’s amazing how many brides choose the Holiday, or July to celebrate their nuptials.  Think of the advantages:

1.  Fireworks are a natural choice. They are easy to purchase at this time of year. They are perfect for a truly spectacular send-off from the reception!

2.  Abundant decorations in the theme colors are readily available.  Plus, there are no shortage of red, white and blue favors for guests.  For your July 4.  wedding or party, we suggest you check out the many talented Etsy.com suppliers.

3.  If a July themed wedding sounds a little bit corny, think again!  If it is done right, the Red, White, and Blue theme can be classy as well as fun.  Just remember to use it with restraint and delicacy.

For example, experts advise that if you love that red, white and blue vintage sailor 1950’s dress, choose to wear it on your engagement shoot.  Thus you avoid forcing your bridesmaids to wear them on the wedding day!

Jamaica-bound bride, Jenette smiles with her happy maids. Note the subtle color scheme! J

Subtle and Sophisticated!  This happy Sterling Photography group portrait shows the red, white and blue color theme done right. 

We think it is decidedly more subtle and elegant to let them wear individualized, solid-colored dresses: perhaps one of red, one of white, and one of blue, or simply choose red or blue.

Many wedding sources will tell you your wedding theme is all about the details.  At Sterling Photography, we are fond of saying this is true only in moderation.  Too many little details can obscure the big picture. So, save the tri-color patriotic red, white and blue,  4th of July theme for the bouquets or table décor— And use the combination only in moderation.

We have One Sterling Photography caution:  You cannot permit any theme to overwhelm the idea that this day belongs to you and your groom as a couple.

With that one reminder, we wish you a happy, healthy and safe July 4th Week-end.  We  leave you with some inspired words of liberty and freedom for Independence Day celebration, by Ronald Reagan:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  

We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream.

 It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same.”

Happy July 4th to Our Family, Friends, and Clients! Plus, special congratulations to our Sweethearts, Newlyweds, Soon-to-be-weds–and  Blog Readers!