Father’s Day comes this Sunday, and we hope you are preparing surprises for your Dads. You won’t be alone because on average, statistics show that 75% of men in both the United States and the United Kingdom plan to celebrate Father’s Day. And yes, you might have guessed that statistic.

Father’s Day Happens At Every Wedding…
However, perhaps you are unaware that folks will spend $12 billion to celebrate this day. And, by the way, that’s only about half what they spend for Mothers on Mother’s Day.
Families rack up 23 billion in each country, the US and the UK, for Mother’s Day. But let’s quickly go back to some Father’s Day Facts, Fun, and Fantastic Photography.
Let’s celebrate the Daddies, Dads, Pops, Pa’s, Pappa’s and Daddy-o’s of Father’s Day, 2019. However, all of these dollars are worth it, and well spent to celebrate
Father’s Day on Every Wedding Day
Yes, Sunday is the official Father’s Day, but we celebrate a special, personal Father’s Day every time Sterling photographs a wedding. Of course, each member of the family group has a specially designated time for starring moments, and Sterling is dedicated to all of them.
However, for this blog, we celebrate fathers and daughters and that unique father-daughter relationship.
Few songs capture the unique quality of the father-daughter relationship like Bob Carlisle’s “Butterfly Kisses.” The story behind the song is that the words and emotions “just poured” out of him.
Did you know he wrote it “after looking through some family photos? Then he realized that Brooke, “his daughter who was about to turn 16, would be leaving home in a few years.”
We at Sterling Photography International, very much like the fact that photography was involved in Bob Carlisle’s epiphany about his love for his daughter.
There’s two things I know for sure
She was sent here from heaven
And she’s daddy’s little girl
The Story Behind Butterfly Kisses
At first, he only recorded “Butterfly Kisses” on a cassette for Brooke. Although it was just a personal gift, she shared it with friends. At the time the song poured out of him, he wasn’t even considering the song as part of his professional work.

Father’s Day recognizes the tender pride a father feels for a daughter’s accomplishments. –and vice versa.
It was some time before he finally decided to “include it on his third album, which was eventually named after the song.”
As I drop to my knees by her bed at night
She talks to Jesus, and I close my eyes.
And I thank God for all of the joy in my life
Oh, but most of all,
For butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer
Stickin’ little white flowers all up in her hair
Wedding Day Dads and Sterling’s Shots
Dads hold a special place in his heart as Sterling focuses in on those precious not-to-be-missed-Dad-and Daughter-Moments during a wedding.
And just in case you do not remember them, let’s review all that Daddy has to do during his daughter’s wedding day:
- Meeting and seeing the “reveal” of a daughter in Dress before wedding…
- The Walking Down the Aisle
- Giving Away the Bride…
- The Father-Daughter Dance…
Butterfly Kisses: Weddings, Fathers and Daughters
It does not matter what style of personality the Father of the Bride has, there is bound to be one of the above moments that will touch his heart and reveal the emotional story that is unique to fatherhood.

Beyond Butterfly Kisses: With a gifted photographer, sometimes you need not see a face to recognize the powerful portrayal of a relationship between a Father and Daughter.
Certainly, the emotion will show on the father’s face, in his eyes, in the squaring of his shoulders or the grip of his hand.
Sterling focuses on the tiniest details because they will be some of the most valued images of a bride’s life. And thus, Sterling captures these details of expression and gesture in about one 1/125th of a second, each, he hopes to create a memorable image. In fact, he hopes that one such image might eventually inspire someone with the intensity of the photos that inspired Bob Carlisle’s song. And that song has practically become standard at most wedding receptions.
Father’s Day Memories
Photographs of intense emotion and moments of shared activities make us look back to other special moments. For example:
“Walk beside the pony Daddy, it’s my first ride”…”I know the cake looks funny…Daddy, but I sure tried…” We know that little pictures of moments like these flash through the heads of fathers as they prepare to take their daughters down the aisle.
Featuring Fatherly Factoids to Entertain Dads and Daughters too: The Story behind Father’s Day
By the way, Celebrating Father’s Day began in the early 19th century. History reflects that Sonora Dodd, daughter of a Civil war veteran, campaigned for Fathers to gain recognition with a day the same way mothers had been honored. Her father was a Mr. Mom before it was a cool concept to be a stay-at-home-dad.
You see, when Sonora’s mother died, her father stepped in and took over care of her and her 5 siblings. Thus began the tradition of a holiday which flourishes with gifts just to bring honor to the roles played by Dads: Our Heroes, Protectors, Nurturers, Providers and best friends.
You Need Not Be a Natural Father to Get a Father’s Day Gift

You Cannot Put Father’s Day Love in a Box, but We Do Try!
- As you would expect for this holiday, 52% of all Father’s Day gifts are for fathers.
- Likewise, it is logical for 28%of shoppers to buy a Father’s Day gift for their husbands.
- 9% of shoppers actually purchase a gift for their son in a cute reversal.
- 6% will extend their generosity and spend money on a gift for their brother.
- 5% will go the extra mile to get a gift, card or meal for a friend, mentor or advisor.
Anyone Can Be a Father, But It Takes Someone Special to be a Dad…
Of course, you have heard the quote we used to introduce this paragraph. And we know you understand how meaningful it is. Brides too understand and it shines in their eyes.
The whole quote, created by Wade Boggs goes: “Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad, and that’s why I call you dad, because you are so special to me.
You taught me the game and you taught me how to play it right.” And the name of that game that fatherly figures teach us how to play is “The Game of Life.”
But Wait: Who Can Be a Father and What Does it Take?
We turned our research to all sorts of sources in history and literature for this tribute blog on Father’s Day. Then we wondered, “Who would better know the best attributes of a Father than a Mom?”

This Daughter will always have this moment of affirmation and joy.
Therefore we turned to a Mom’s blog and found the characteristics of a good father.
1. He is protective…
2. Affection is his middle name…
3. He is solid, a veritable wall of trust and security…
4. Constancy and ever-present encouragement come from his advice.
5. Until we can earn our own way, we can count on him to Provide the necessities of life.
6. And he always respects the mother of his children.
7. He Genuinely Makes Spending time with him fun for kids
8. He is the best teacher
The Quality of Fatherly Love
Knowing these qualities, we have seen them every wedding day, not only on the face of the Dads of brides and grooms, but on the faces of friends, uncles, grandfathers, brothers, and yes, even sisters, aunts, and moms. By the way, recently it was the Mother who guided the giving away of the bride. Thus, she proved there is no sexual qualification to the embodiment of paternal characteristics.
She’ll change her name today
She’ll make a promise
And I’ll give her away
Standing in the bride room
Just staring at her
She asked me what I’m thinking
And I said “I’m not sure
I just feel like I’m losing my baby girl”
Then she leaned over, gave me
Butterfly kisses, with her mama there
sticking little white flowers all up in her hair…
And That Brings us Back to the Butterfly Kisses Song…
In the songwriter’s own words, “Butterfly Kisses’ is not so much a song about fatherhood. Certainly, it’s more a song about gratitude and imperfection – “for all I’ve done wrong, I must have done something right.”

Father’s Day is made of moments and memories like this one. The hand, the dress, the glance…the feeling of Fatherhood.
He added, “It’s also a song about the appreciation of time well spent. As with any good thing, there is a bittersweet sadness in letting go.:
And finally, the songwriter summarized Father’s Days, Wedding Days and memories by saying, “I hoped to capture in this song the beauty of the relationship between father and daughter as well as its inevitable change.”
Oh, with all that I’ve done wrong
I must have done something right
to deserve a hug every morning
And butterfly kisses at night
Terrific Father’s Day Take-Aways
And finally, from the songwriter himself, we find a deep meditation on the undercurrent of feelings in fatherhood. “This song affected more than dads. After the first concert where I sang it, women surrounded me telling me stories about their fathers. I had always thought of the song from the perspective of a dad. but I hadn’t thought of its impact upon daughters.”
“Walk me down the aisle daddy, it’s just bout time”
“Does my wedding gown look pretty Daddy?”
“Daddy don’t cry”
Oh with all that I’ve done wrong
I must have done something right
To deserve her love every morning
And butterfly kisses
A Special Happy Father’s Day

Going Down the Aisle on Daddy’s Arm changes a girls life forever. Eyes and express sessions matter at this moment.
In conclusion of this Father’s Day tribute, we wish a very special Happy Father’s Day to the Dads and Daughters photographed by Sterling’s Camera over the last quarter of a century!
Sterling has held his breath with you, held back his tears with you, stepped onto the dance floor with you, kissed her cheek with you…And hopefully helped you hold the memory of all those special, fatherly moments. After all, Sterling has also been a father…
I couldn’t ask God for more, man, this is What love is
I know I’ve gotta let her go, but I’ll always
Every hug in the morning, and butterfly kisses….